Friday, March 23, 2007


Recently we have been going throught a read through of the play mirror mirror and from simply watching it I can kind of think of the parts I may most want to play.
I think that it would be good to be one of the two clowns and today I played the counsellor and that was alot of fun so that would also be good to play. There are some characters that I would not like to get im not sure why but there are.
The scripts we should get soon if not its a bit of a worry.
Other than that i think everyhting is going well, im still thinking that some things within the group are hidden and a good D n M would get them out there, but that also causes a gatasrophie so I think we may have to deal with it.
Otherwise lets continue.....


Ally said...

Whoo! We have our scripts!
At least that's one thing we don't have to worry about any more.

knowlesey said...

Hey Leonie.
Top job in the musical, we only have one night to go then it's all over! Well, catch ya later.