Sunday, June 3, 2007

Very Very close Very very excited!!!

Well I must say i am sooooo excited. I absolutly love rehersing and doing everything i love being in the studio and well yea may be alittle weird but i think its just soo much fun. We have had many rehersals since my last blog and the biggest one which was yesterday. WE had an all day rehersal, now although we were ment to start at 1230 we did not start until 230 which ment we finished at about 6.
W ran through the whole first act and it was hilarious, luke and myself did a golf scene that no one had seen before and it was so much fun and eveyrone enjoyed it...i hope lol! The first act was fun and then we started the second. It was obvious to see that we worked on the first act alot more than the second because there were times that we had no idea what was going to happen next. People have begun to make costume lists etc on the walls and mine was there although i did have a slip up and wrote the wrong costume which came out with me in the wrong costume. oh well no one noticed hehehe!
We finished the second actand well i feel as though the performance will be very exciting. WE first peform tomorrow and although we do not know to who it will still be fun :).
I must say though however yesterday when we had finished we decided to do the bow. Now the bow that we are doing i personally did not like. It is half from hamlet and Ms mace did say that we have to do somehthing different, something no one has done before, not do the same bow from a play that is completely different to ours. But we did however make some changes, those being more spread out and turning our head slower and using the counts and now it is actually pretty good. As luke said the bow is one of the most important parts of the show. I believe is pretty right by saying that.
Ms Mace did say that she was marking our perfomance yesterday and going to give us a predicted mark at how well we did. She was going to be a harsh marked and warned us that we did not do very well. She is going to leave the mark in our pigeon hole. I must have checked mine about 3 times today and its still not there lol! Im not getting my hopes high i just want to see wheree she thinks i matter what it is i will take it.
Im very very excite dabout this week there is so much to do..but honestly im speachless and just soooo excited bring it on!!

1 comment:

Ally said...

keep checking that pigeon hole, i think you deserve an awesome mark for everything you do.

i wasn't there for the bows - are they hard to learn?

anyway, congrats on everything you've achieved so far and good luck for what you have yet to achieve.